General information about Parabolan in USA
Trenbolone Thexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) is a slow-acting injectable ester of the powerful anabolic steroid Trenbolone. The trenbolone-based steroid is about three times more androgenic than testosterone, making it a fairly potent androgen. It also displays approximately 3 times more tissue building activity than its androgenic properties, making it officially classified as an anabolic steroid. It is most commonly identified as a lean mass building drug and is extremely popular with athletes for its ability to promote the rapid accumulation of strength, muscle size and definition.
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) Dosage in USA
For beginners or those who are about to take trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) for the first time, the recommended dose is 300 mg per week. Dosages for intermediate users range from 400 to 500 mg per week. Even the most experienced users rarely take high doses. In such cases, the dose is increased to 800-1000 mg or more per week.
Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) Side Effects in USA
Some short-term side effects of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolan) include insomnia, high blood pressure, increased aggression and libido. However, since women will experience virilizing effects, even in small doses, this drug should not be taken by women. The urban wisdom/myth in bodybuilding culture states that use of the drug for long periods of time can lead to kidney damage.
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