Magnum Stanol-AQ 100


Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Injectable Stanozolol
Package: 100mg/amp. (10 amps)



Pharmacokinetics and indications in USA:

Stanozolol is a synthetic anabolic steroid approved by the FDA for human use. It is derived from testosterone. Stanozolol has high oral bioavailability, because it survives through hepatic metabolism and is therefore available in tablet form. Produces estrogen as end product. Stanozolol is popular with female bodybuilders due to its high activity, weak anabolic and androgenic effects. However, virilization and masculinization are the most common side effects. Stanozolol is prohibited for use in competitive sports by the IAAF and many other sports organizations. Stanozolol is popular with bodybuilders due to anabolic effects also because it tends to maintain muscle mass without water retention or weight gain. Stanazolol is also believed to be a fat burning drug, but there is no evidence for this.

Characteristics Stanozolin Depot 100 in USA

It is used to enhance the body's recyclers generating anabolic effects on masculine appearance. It is used clinically for the treatment of hereditary anemia and angioedema in people with considerable success and is very popular with most doctors. In veterinary medicine it is used in animals with weak body mass, to improve blood count and appetite. Stanozolol is also used to show the metabolic racehorse to help prepare for competition. Stanozolol is usually 5 mg. Dosage is 10-25mg/day to 50mg/day for optimal results.

Possible side effects in USA:

The effects of the drug are not permanent and only as long as you continue to take it at regular doses.Once registered, the body mass decomposes quickly. Possible side effects of Stanozolol are insomnia, depression, jaundice and severe nausea and vomiting, gynocomastia, male pattern baldness, and may be deepening of the voice.


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